When He Lived

Nicolas Flamel lived during the 14th and 15th centuries and had many houses, one of which is in Paris. The Flamel house still stands in France today and has been turned into a museum.
Auberge Nicolas Flamel stands at 51 rue de Montmorency and is the oldest house in Paris.
Map of 15th Century France Picture of a French Church
Philosopher's Stone

Alchemist Reputation

After his death, Nicolas Flamel earned a reputation as an alchemist when Livre des figures hiéroglyphiques was published during the 17th Century. Nicolas Flamel is rumored to have discovered the Philosopher's stone, a powerful artifact that is believed to have the power to grant immortality and change base metals into gold, and have achieved immortality.
However, none of these claims have been proven to be true and there is no evidence suggesting otherwise.
Flamel and His Wife

Nicolas Flamel's

Real Life



Flamel married a woman named Perenelle in the year 1368. Perenelle was a benefactress who came from a rich family and obtained wealth from two previous marriages after being widowed both times.


Nicolas and his wife were devout Catholics during their lives. Their generous support and funding of the church led to their images being immortalized on a sculpture in church of Saint Jacques de la Boucherie.


Records indicate that Nicolas Flamel ran at least 2 shops as a scribe and was very successful. Along with his success as a scribe, Nicolas' wife Perenelle brought quite a bit of money into the house from her amily and previous marriages. Because of this wealth, Flamel and his wife owned multiple houses all over Europe and they were able to commission artists to construct artistic statues for them and the church.
They also used their wealth to give money to the church in the form of generous donations.
St. Peter, Christ, and St. Paul

His Death

Nicolas Flamel died March 22, 1418 in Paris after his wife had already passed. Prior to his death, Nicolas Flamel had designed his tombstone to depict St. Peter, Christ, and St. Paul as a reference to his devotion to his religion and church.
His tombstone can be found in the Musée de Cluny where it has been preserved and is on display.